Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to Increase Online Orders with Facebook – Top 5 Tips

    • Intro

    • #1 Update your Facebook Page

    • #2 Shop Now/Use App

    • #3 Improve your Restaurant’s Facebook Rating

    • #4 Run Competitions

    • #5 Save the date!

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    Learn how to link Facebook and online ordering

    • Learn how to add a Facebook button that links to your Flipdish app or website

    • So how do you add a Facebook Call to Action button to your profile?

    • What would you like your button to say?

  • 3

    Use Facebook Analytics for Online Ordering Insights

    • Intro

    • Use Facebook Analytics for Online Ordering Insights

    • Mobile Ordering App Users

    • Mobile Ordering App Audience Data

    • Build Customer Segments for your Restaurant

    • Another graph showing a quick overview of your restaurant’s customers

    • Find out what’s happening with your mobile ordering app

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    • Your Feedback