Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Manager 101!

    • Welcome

    • Learning Objectives

  • 2

    Recruitment & Onboarding

    • The Recruitment Process

    • The First Day

    • The First 90 Days

    • Probation

    • Recruitment & Onboarding: Resources to Bookmark

    • Recruitment & Onboarding Quiz

  • 3

    Internal & External Contractors

    • Overview

    • Invoicing process

    • Internal & External Contractors: Resources to Bookmark

    • Contractors Quiz

  • 4


    • Setting Up 1:1s

    • 1:1s: Resources to Bookmark

  • 5


    • Managing Time-Off Requests in Bamboo

    • Annual Leave

    • Sick Leave

    • Time-off & Leave: Resources to Bookmark

    • Time-Off Quiz

  • 6

    Company Benefits

    • Introduction + Resources to Bookmark

    • Company Benefits Summary

    • Company Benefits Quiz

  • 7

    Team Changes & Restructuring

    • Making Team Changes

    • Changing a Team Member's Working Location

    • Team Changes & Restructuring: Resources to Bookmark

    • Team Changes & Restructuring Quiz

  • 8

    Performance Reviews

    • Overview

    • Performance Reviews: Resources to Bookmark

    • Performance Reviews Quiz

  • 9

    Pay Reviews & Bonuses

    • Pay Reviews

    • Bonuses

    • Pay Reviews & Bonuses: Resources to Bookmark

    • Pay Reviews & Bonuses Quiz

  • 10

    Performance Management

    • Introduction to Performance Management

    • Managing a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

    • Performance Management: Resources to Bookmark

    • Performance Management Quiz

  • 11

    Discipline & Grievance Policy

    • Policy Summary

    • Discipline & Grievance Policy Quiz

  • 12


    • Voluntary Resignations

    • Involuntary Departures

    • Moving to a Competitor

    • Offboarding Quiz

  • 13


    • Final Quiz